Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ten CSS tricks you would like to use

1. CSS font shorthand rule

When styling fonts with CSS you may be doing this:

font-weight: bold;

font-style: italic;

font-variant: small-caps;

font-size: 1em;

line-height: 1.5em;

font-family: verdana,sans-serif

There's no need though as you can use this CSS shorthand property:

font: bold italic small-caps 1em/1.5em verdana,sans-serif

Much better! Just a few of words of warning: This CSS shorthand version will only work if you're specifying both the font-size and the font-family. The font-family command must always be at the very end of this shorthand command, and font-size must come directly before this. Also, if you don't specify the font-weight, font-style, or font-variant then these values will automatically default to a value of normal, so do bear this in mind too.

2. Two classes together

Usually attributes are assigned just one class, but this doesn't mean that that's all you're allowed. In reality, you can assign as many classes as you like! For example:


Using these two classes together (separated by a space, not with a comma) means that the paragraph calls up the rules assigned to both text and side. If any rules overlap between the two classes then the class which is below the other in the CSS document will take precedence.

3. CSS border default value

When writing a border rule you'll usually specify the colour, width and style (in any order). For example, border: 3px solid #000 will give you a black solid border, 3px thick. However the only required value here is the border style.

If you were to write just border: solid then the defaults for that border will be used. But what defaults? Well, the default width for a border is medium (equivalent to about 3 to 4px) and the default colour is that of the text colour within that border. If either of these are what you want for the border then you can leave them out of the CSS rule!

4. CSS document for printing

Lots of web pages have a link to a print-friendly version. What many of them don't realise is that there's no need because you can set up a second CSS document to be called up when a user prints the page.

So, your page header should contains links to two CSS documents, one for the screen, and one for printing:

The first line of code calls up the CSS for the screen (notice the inclusion of media="screen") and the second line calls up the CSS for the printable version (using media="print").

So, what commands should you put in this second CSS document? To work it out, open a blank document and save it as printstyle.css. Next, point the screen CSS command to this document so that the command reads: .

Now just keep entering CSS commands until the display on the screen matches how you want the printed version to look. You'll certainly want to make use of the display: none command for navigation, decorative images and non-essential items. For more advice on this, read Print Different, which also mentions the other media for which you can specify CSS files.

5. Image replacement technique

It's always advisable to use regular HTML markup to display text, as opposed to an image. Doing so allows for a faster download speed and has accessibility benefits. However, if you've absolutely got your heart set on using a certain font and your site visitors are unlikely to have that font on their computers, then really you've got no choice but to use an image.

Say for example, you wanted the top heading of each page to be ‘Buy widgets’, as you're a widget seller and you'd like to be found for this phrase in the search engines. You're pretty set on it being an obscure font so you need to use an image:

Buy widgets

This is OK but there's strong evidence to suggest that search engines don't assign as much importance to alt text as they do real text (because so many webmasters use the alt text to cram in keywords). So, an alternative would be:

Buy widgets

Now, this obviously won't use your obscure font. To fix this problem place these commands in your CSS document:



background: url(widget-image.gif) no-repeat;

height: image height

text-indent: -2000px


Be sure to change "image height" to whatever the height of the image is (e.g. 85px)! The image, with your fancy font, will now display and the regular text will be safely out of the way, positioned 2000px to the left of the screen thanks to our CSS rule. Please note, this can cause accessibility issues as any user with images turned off won't be able to see the text.

6. CSS box model hack alternative

The box model hack is used to fix a rendering problem in pre-IE 6 browsers on PC, where by the border and padding are included in the width of an element, as opposed to added on. For example, when specifying the dimensions of a container you might use the following CSS rule:



width: 100px;

border: 5px;

padding: 20px


This CSS rule would be applied to:


This means that the total width of the box is 150px (100px width + two 5px borders + two 20px paddings) in all browsers except pre-IE 6 versions on PC. In these browsers the total width would be just 100px, with the padding and border widths being incorporated into this width. The box model hack can be used to fix this, but this can get really messy.

A simple alternative is to use this CSS:



width: 150px


#box div


border: 5px;

padding: 20px


And the new HTML would be:


Perfect! Now the box width will always be 150px, regardless of the browser!

7. Centre aligning a block element

Say you wanted to have a fixed width layout website, and the content floated in the middle of the screen. You can use the following CSS command:



width: 700px;

margin: 0 auto


You would then enclose
around every item in the body of the HTML document and it'll be given an automatic margin on both its left and right, ensuring that it's always placed in the centre of the screen. Simple... well not quite - we've still got the pre-IE 6 versions on PC to worry about, as these browsers won't centre align the element with this CSS command. You'll have to change the CSS rules:



text-align: center




text-align: left;

width: 700px;

margin: 0 auto


This will then centre align the main content, but it'll also centre align the text! To offset the second, probably undesired, effect we inserted text-align: left into the content div.

8. Vertically aligning with CSS

Vertically aligning with tables was a doddle. To make cell content line up in the middle of a cell you would use vertical-align: middle. This doesn't really work with a CSS layout. Say you have a navigation menu item whose height is assigned 2em and you insert this vertical align command into the CSS rule. It basically won't make a difference and the text will be pushed to the top of the box.

Hmmm... not the desired effect. The solution? Specify the line height to be the same as the height of the box itself in the CSS. In this instance, the box is 2em high, so we would insert line-height: 2em into the CSS rule and the text now floats in the middle of the box - perfect!

9. CSS positioning within a container

One of the best things about CSS is that you can position an object absolutely anywhere you want in the document. It's also possible (and often desirable) to position objects within a container. It's simple to do too. Simply assign the following CSS rule to the container:



position: relative


Now any element within this container will be positioned relative to it. Say you had this HTML structure:

To position the navigation exactly 30px from the left and 5px from the top of the container box, you could use these CSS commands:



position: absolute;

left: 30px;

top: 5px


Perfect! In this particular example, you could of course also use margin: 5px 0 0 30px, but there are some cases where it's preferable to use positioning.

10. Background colour running to the screen bottom

One of the disadvantages of CSS is its inability to be controlled vertically, causing one particular problem which a table layout doesn't suffer from. Say you have a column running down the left side of the page, which contains site navigation. The page has a white background, but you want this left column to have a blue background. Simple, you assign it the appropriate CSS rule:



background: blue;

width: 150px


Just one problem though: Because the navigation items don't continue all the way to the bottom of the screen, neither does the background colour. The blue background colour is being cut off half way down the page, ruining your great design. What can you do!?

Unfortunately one of the only solutions to this is to cheat, and assign the body a background image of exactly the same colour and width as the left column. You would use this CSS command:



background: url(blue-image.gif) 0 0 repeat-y


This image that you place in the background should be exactly 150px wide and the same blue colour as the background of the left column. The disadvantage of using this method is that you can't express the left column in terms of em, as if the user resizes text and the column expands, it's background colour won't.

Using this method the left column will have to be expressed in px if you want it to have a different background colour to the rest of the page.

SEO Pro Tip: Use Google Blogs to Find Fresh, Relevant Blog Posts for Link-Building

As I’ve mentioned previously, link-building is one of the most important aspects of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). It seems that there are SEOs these days who would like to see blog and forum commenting done away with completely, but I disagree with that (as I imagine most people actually doing SEO full-time today do as well). It can be a challenge to find good, relevant, non-spammy blogs to either guest post on or leave genuine feedback on, so I hope this method helps out a few of you who are faced with the timeless and inevitable challenge of building links. In order of steps:

1 - Visit Google Blogs.

2 - Type in one of the keyword terms that the content on your landing page focuses on. Don’t be afraid to use quotes around your keyword term if it contains more than one word. Ex. “Nickel Cadmium”

3 - On the left-hand column, you can sort your results by time/date. I usually like to start with “last hour,” then work my way down to “past week.” This will allow you to find fresh, hyper-targeted blog posts to browse through and cherry-pick the best-of-the-best!

When you do this, make sure that you’re not just picking spam-filled blogs that scrape content from somewhere on the Web. It’s pretty easy to figure out which blogs are spam/auto blogs due to how they look, how their content reads and how their content is formatted. Because the content you will be finding is so new, it won’t behoove you to check out any of the metrics that exist for gauging the strength of a page, so if you’re concerned about that, just go take a look at the home page of the site and gather all the metrics you typically do (PageRank, mozRank, mozTrust, Alexa Rank, Compete score, et al).

Additionally, if you want to see how that site’s content typically performs, try using SEOmoz’s Open Site Explorer to find the strongest pages and number of unique root domains linking to them. If you don’t know how to do that, then go to Open Site Explorer (sign up for a free account so that you can view stats for 20 pages), search for the domain you’re interested in (don’t forget to consider both www and non-www versions of the site if they don’t 301), then click the “Top Pages” tab in the results. Voila!

As for “nofollow” and “dofollow,” it’s your judgment call. Do you want to have a more natural-looking link profile? If so, then just go ahead and leave comments (not spammy, of course — always make your comments constructive and relevant) on some “nofollow” blogs. Do you only need “dofollow” links? If so, then your blog searching will inevitably be a bit more exhaustive (hopefully, you’re using something like the SEOmoz Firefox plug-in to quickly see which sites/blogs are “nofollow”). Although commenting will suffice, one of the best things you could do is ask to guest post on that blog and provide an article based on the topic you’re interested in; so, take that into consideration, too.

That pretty much does it for the method I wanted to demonstrate in this post. For your consideration, I’ve decided to add a few additional tips below that will play well with this method. I hope that you find them useful in correlation with the method above and/or with your other link-building endeavors. Good luck and have fun searching!

Bonus Tip 01: If you do decide to leave a comment on a blog, try submitting that blog’s home page and RSS URL to pinging services likePing-O-Matic and Pingoat. There’s no guarantee that the result will be Google’s bot revisiting that blog and finding your comment any faster than if you hadn’t submitted the blog, but it takes all of 15 seconds each to submit and you very well may be doing yourself a favor by doing so!

Bonus Tip 02: If you are curious as to seeing if/when Google has cached a page with your comment, simply search for that page in Google, click “cached,” then look up at the top where it says, “…a snapshot of the page as it appeared on…” The time and date you see will be the most recent cache of that page! If the time and date are later than the time and date you commented, then scroll down and see if your comment was cached along with the page.

Bonus Tip 03: Set up Google Alerts and have Google email you whenever they index a new blog post related to a keyword term you’re interested in! Simply visit Google Alerts, put in your keyword term, select “Blogs” from the type selection box, select how often you want to receive results, then select the volume of results you want and enter your email address and you’re all set!

Posted by Vidya Parab at 11:03 PM 0 comments Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Google Buzz Links to this post
Sunday, October 10, 2010

3 Truths of SEO
This post is something I feel SEO (Search Engine Optimization) desperately needs: A plea for its legitimacy. The following short list is comprised of three simple truths which I hope will aid in establishing the legitimacy of SEO for you beyond the shadow of a doubt — even if you do not yet understand exactly how or why. SEO has an incredibly tarnished image throughout many industries and schools of thought thanks to spammers and the black hat tactics often associated with the industry. Likewise, it doesn’t help that SEO is often thought to be unquantifiable, unqualifiable, and ultimately unjustifiable by many. So, without any further adieu, here are 3 simple truths to defend the integrity of white hat SEO.

Truth 1: SEO is an Acronym; not a Word

I can’t tell you how often I hear and see “SEO” spoken as a word in some cynical context. “SEO is just a bunch of hocus pocus used to pad search engine results.” It’s almost as if “SEO” has become a word synonymous with everything negative on the Web. Just so we’re clear, it stands for “Search Engine Optimization.” It is also used to reference a person as a “Search Engine Optimizer;” as in, “Jon Payne is one of the best SEOs in the industry.”

Anyway, just what exactly does “Search Engine Optimization” mean? In its most basic form, it simply means optimizing your Web site for search engines. It ranges from optimizing content and code on your Web site to optimizing content on other Web sites that are relevant to your Web site (more on this later). Yes, there are black hat SEO tactics (high-risk and excessively spammy tactics that can be leveraged to cheat your way to higher rankings) and white hat SEO tactics (the tactics I will focus on teaching and that many people build legitimate, long-standing businesses off of), but just realize that SEO is not a word defined as cheating search engines and spamming searchers.

Truth 2: Eating, Drinking, Breathing and Sleeping SEO

It’s important for you to realize that while there are plenty of “black hat SEOs” out there who lie, steal, and cheat their way to higher rankings, there are equally as many — if not more — who eat, drink, breathe, and sleep white hat SEO practices. Those people make this stuff their life because they’re interested in it and they’re interested in genuinely helping their clients to succeed! Some people run legitimate agencies, others take the role of consulting, and then you have the individuals who REALLY dig in and tread not-yet-trodden paths.

People do this for their livelihood and they earn an honest living doing as such. The problem becomes trying to flesh out just who is legitimate and who is not. Luckily, there are some quick signs to look for which will aid you in spotting the difference should you be in the market for hiring an SEO agency or consultant. For instance, anyone who guarantees top-rank results before ever speaking with you most likely isn’t worth hiring. I will dive much deeper into the topic of spotting shady SEO agencies/consultants soon in another post.

Truth 3: Good Enough for Microsoft and Google; Good Enough for You

If Google and Microsoft speak in terms of SEO, why shouldn’t you? My final and undoubtedly most compelling point; here are two of the most successful companies in the world with tremendous presence on the Internet who discuss and implement SEO — and not just in some minuscule capacity, either! Please reference the following links which help support this 3rd and final truth:

1 - Google’s Dedicated Site and Guide to SEO: Google has a page dedicated to what you need to know when it comes to hiring an SEO. The page also includes a beginner’s guide to SEO. ‘nough said! Click here to view the page and click here to download the guide (it’s a PDF).

2 - Google’s Face of SEO, Matt Cutts: Although addressing SEO is not his primary role, he spends a lot of time addressing it. In a lot of ways, he is our lifeline to a small fraction of Google’s views and mechanisms with search and SEO. Click Here to visit his blog.

3 - Microsoft’s SEO Toolkit: Yes, Microsoft has created a tool which will essentially crawl your site and provide a detailed report of areas needing some SEO lovin’. If you will, recall the context in which I defined SEO in truth 1. Optimized content and code are what Microsoft has based its tool on. Click Here to read all about it and download it. It’s FREE!

4 - Microsoft’s Face of SEO, Chris Moore: Less known in the SEO realm is Microsoft Program manager Chris Moore. He diligently posts about SEO in relation to Microsoft; the ways they implement it, places they discuss it, et al. Even if for nothing else, this just goes to show how a company like Microsoft chooses to invest in SEO. Click here to check out his blog on Microsoft’s MSDN blog network!

3 Simple Truths: Conclusion

I hope this post goes to show you just how legitimate SEO really is. As with many things in life, you have to take the good with the bad and SEO is not exempt from that. The points to take away from this post are clarification of exactly what you should mean from now on when you say “SEO,” the fact that plenty of positive forces out there live and breathe honest SEO practices, and the fact that companies as big as Google and Microsoft clearly invest in SEO (which means you should, too).

Facebook and Microsoft partner on new social-search features

Microsoft and Bing are partnering to “make Bing search more social.” In Web 2.0 speak, the idea is search graph + web graph = better answers.

Microsoft and Facebook execs outlined their latest people-focused search work during an event on Microsoft’s Silicon Valley research campus on October 13.

The main idea is to improve Bing results’ relevance by using Facebook Instant Personalization. And to improve Facebook’s Web-search results that are powered by Bing. From the Facebook explanation of today’s announcement: “When you search for something on Bing or in web results on Facebook (powered by Bing), you’ll be able to see your friends’ faces next to web pages they’ve liked.” (Don’t worry: You can opt out.)

The actual deliverables from today’s announcement are two new social search features Microsoft and Facebook developed in tandem. They will begin rolling out to users on October 13 and will continue to populate in “the coming months.” The features are “Liked Results” (recommendations from their Facebook friends that are built on Facebook’s public “Like” feature) and “Facebook Profile Search” (which will provide user-search results based on their relevancy to the searcher’s Facebook network and friends.)

Microsoft researchers have been working on these kinds of social-search concept for a while. The first reference I could find was a Microsoft Research project codenamed “Nocturnal.”

“Nocturnal that aims to use an established online community to provide a mechanism for giving reviews and recommendations from your social circle a higher priority when you search the Web,” explained an article on the Microsoft Research web site from 2007.

More recently, Microsoft researchers published a white paper entitled “A Comparison of Information Seeking Using Search Engines and Social Networks.” (Microsoft shared the paper at the SMX East conference earlier this month.)

The Microsoft researchers conducted a study in which 12 participants posted a question to Facebook while simultaneously trying to find the answer to the same question using Web search. The result? “Search engines and social networks each provide value at different stages in the search process.”

I’d agree with that assessment. Some queries I wouldn’t mind asking my Facebook “friends.” What’s the best place for Dim Sum in San Francisco? Sure, I’d want to see what my Facebook friends think.

Some queries I wouldn’t trust to those friends. No offense to my “friends,” but my Facebook account is a work account and while it includes some people I would call “friends,” many of the folks I’ve accepted I’ve never met. I don’t know them and they don’t know me. They’re folks who follow my coverage of Microsoft. I don’t want to know which movies they think I should see or which iPad case I should buy.

From what the executives said at today’s press conference, it sounds like Microsoft and Facebook have other jointly-developed search tricks up their sleeves. (Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a passing reference to another maps-related one, with no details.)

I see today’s announcement as indicating even more clearly that Bing and Facebook are taking different paths with search. Bing is definitely optimizing for the everyday consumer’s search habits. ut I am not the typical search user: I typically use search as much, if not more, to find specific quotes at press conferences, technical articles and other general-search results. I still find the best results for these kinds of research queries on Google, not Bing.

Top 7 CSS Tricks for Better SEO

As most of us know it is often really difficult to build websites for both the user and Google.

Google still needs to be assisted in finding and assessing a website’s worth to such an extent that it can break the user experience altogether.

Of course there are plenty of CSS solutions to remedy Google’s weaknesses. Although I do not like the term tricks I have to refer to them as CSS tricks as in fact these are often workarounds to suit Google. Google spiders are still barely able to deal with most advanced web technologies like Flash or AJAX.

Google spiders are like little children, you really have to assist them to find stuff and understand it.

There are other search engines of course but they struggle even more so to keep it simple I will concentrate on Google, which is the by far dominant search engine in most of the western markets.

On a side note: “Trick” sounds like “black hat SEO” or cheating search engines. Well, take a look at them yourself and tell me whether I’m cheating or whether Google is making web development a pain in the back.

OK, then. Let me present to the top 7 CSS tricks for better SEO in no particular order:

1. CSS Pagination

Google has a serious problem with ranking long articles which are divided into several parts. Also long one page articles will outrank short ones usually. Apart from that the usability is key in making your visitors read the whole article so you don’t want users neither to scroll for ages nor to click a link and send a request each time they want to get to the next page of your article.

The solution is CSS pagination. Isn’t it hidden text though? Hidden text is one of the oldest “tricks” to cheat search engines, webmasters still employ it and my potential clients sometimes wonder why they don’t rank while using hidden text. So hands off hidden text! Anyways this way you can divide the content into easily digestible parts while still having it on one page. Take heed to another limitation of Google: The crawler might not crawl a very large page in its entirety.

2. Absolute Positioning

The higher your content is on a given page the more it counts for Google. Google does not see a page like a human being, it crawls the code. Thus the higher your content is in the code the better. So if you have a complex site with lots of menus, scripts and other gimmicks you should consider absolute positioning otherwise Google might even stop crawling your page before it reaches the main content. You can place the actual content high up in the code, at the top, while the users will see it in the middle of the page below the menus.

3. Styling h1, h2, h* Headlines

In HTML the h1 headline appears huge by default, the h2 is still much larger than the rest of the page copy etc. Many web designers thus used divs and spans for headlines for years to style them the way needed. Now Google won’t know what the headline is unless you tell Google by using h* tags. It’s like in 1999: You really need to use h1, h2 etc.

Of course you don’t have to make huge h1 headlines like in pre CSS times. Just style the h1 the size you want, also you can get rid off the line-height etc. which h1 headline force upon you by using the display: inline; attribute.

4. sIfr/Image Replacement for Headlines

Many people will argue that styling headlines with CSS is not enough for web designers. They are in fact right. I think it’s by now grotesque that we’re in 2010 and we still are quite limited to less than a dozen basic standard “web safe” fonts for web design. We were meant to have flying cars by 2000 and now we do not even have real typography on the web.

Many people have tackled this problem with image replacement techniques for headlines, which in short will hide the original headline and insert an image in it’s place. Some of them are fairly advanced , others are very simple. No isn’t it hidden text again? Yes, it is! Also some of these methods will hamper your SEO efforts more directly as the crawlers won’t recognize the headline anymore.

There is one popular image replace technique called sIfr which has been officially approved by Google. It uses Flash to display the headline in any font you wish but in code the h* tags are still recognizable.

5. Using Lists (ul/ol)

Most SEO experts agree by now that so called keyword density is not a major positive ranking factor. It means that mentioning your keywords 20 times instead of 5 will not make you rank better in Google. You may get penalized for so called keyword stuffing though. Now what to do in case where you really need to use the same words over and over?

Use an unordered or ordered list. Google allows repetition in lists without penalizing you.

With CSS you can style lists in any way you desire so that if you do not want a list to be clearly visible list style it accordingly. Some people do even a whole site design without tables and layers (divs) or even spans.

6. CSS Sprites

Now that site speed is an official ranking factor at Google even the webmasters who didn’t care about fast loading pages until now have to. One simple technique to use reduce page load and the number of requests is the usage of so called CSS sprites. CSS sprites are basically several small images merged into one big image.

Instead of loading each image by itself you can load just the CSS sprite and display only part of it depending on the user interaction. You use a background-image for that purpose and move the displayed area on click or mouse over then. In order to accomplish that you simply change the background-position in the CSS.

7. Pure CSS Menus

While pure CSS menues are not really a trick most people still assume that you need JavaScript or other enhancements to make dynamic menus. Well it’s not true, many advanced CSS only menus offer slick interactivitywhile being the best choice for Google and other search engine spiders.

Now can you use this methods for cheating Google? Well, I guess you can, but these techniques are so low level that Google won’t count it anyway. For all those who mistake SEO with spam: Spam works on a whole different level nowadays so using stuff like hidden text is ridiculous by now.

These CSS tricks can help you with legitimate SEO efforts.

I do not like the term white hat SEO as it acknowledges that there is another kind of SEO (I don’t agree with that premise, I rather divide: Either it’s SEO or it’s spam). Nonetheless: It’s all white hat SEO if you ask me.

Now you might argue this is not SEO 2.0, these are SEO basics known for years but it’s not really the case, the web developer community is rather keen on web standards to the point of dogma where for instance absolute positioning is frowned upon. So most people won’t use it.

15 CSS Tricks That Must be Learned

As web designers and developers, we have all come to learn many css tricks and techniques that help us achieve our layout goals. The list of these techniques is an ever expanding one, however, there are certain tricks that are essential to achieve your goal. Today, we will review 20 excellent css techniques to keep in mind when developing your theme.

1. Absolute positioning inside a relative positioned element.

Putting an absolutely positioned element inside a relatively positioned element will result in the position being calculated on its nearest positioned ancestor. This is an excellent technique for getting an element to “stick” in a certain spot where you need it, for instance, a header badge.

Read more about positioning:


W3 Specifications

2. Z-Index and positioning.

z-index can be somewhat of a mystery to developers. Often, you will find designers putting a very large z-index value on a div or element in order to try and get it to overlap another element. What we need to keep in mind, is that z-index only applies to elements that are given a “position” value. If you find an element will not adhere to a z-index rule you’ve applied, add “position:relative” or “position:absolute” to the troublesome div.

Read more about z-index:

Z-index Screencast

W3 Specifications

3. Margin Auto

Using margin auto in a theme is a fantastic way to get an element centered on the screen without worrying about the users screen size. However, “margin: auto” will only work when a width is declared for the element. This also means to apply margin: auto to inline elements, the display first must be changed to block.

Read more about margin auto:

Margin auto described

W3 margin specs

4. Use Padding Carefully and Appropriately

One mistake I often made when starting off with css was using padding without knowing all the effects and the CSS Box Model. Keep in mind that according to the box model, padding adds to the overall width of the element. This can cause a lot of frustration with elements shifting out of place. For example:

#div { width:200px; padding: 30px; border:2px solid #000; }

Equals a total width of 264px (200 + 30 + 30 + 2 + 2). In addition, remember that padding, unlike margins, cannot contain negative values.

Read more about padding:

W3 Padding Properties

5. Hiding text using text-indent

Lets say you have an image you are using for your websites logo. This image will be inside an h1 tag, which is good for SEO, however, we also want to have our text title written in the h1 tags so the search engines can read it easily. Some may be tempted to use “display:none” on an element. Unfortunately, we would have to separate the image logo from the h1 tag if we used this technique. Using text-indent and negative values, we can get passed this like so.

h1 { text-indent:-9999px;/*Hide Text, keep for SEO*/ margin:0 auto; width:948px; background:transparent url("images/header.jpg") no-repeat scroll; }

This will ensure that all text is not visible on any resolution while allowing it stay inside the h1 element containing the logo. This also will not hide the text from screen readers as display none will.

Read more about using text-indent to hide text:

SitePoint-Using text-indent

6. IE Double Float Margin Bugs

I’m sure we have all dealt with this one, as this is one of the most common css “hacks” we need to use. If you haven’t seen this bug before, basically, a floated element with a given margin suddenly has doubled the margin in IE 6 and has dropped out of position! Luckily, the fix is super simple. We just change the display of the floated element to “inline” as seen below.

.yourClass { float: left; width: 350px; margin: 20px 0 15px 100px; display: inline; }

This change will have no effect on any browsers since it is a float element, but for some reason in IE it fixes the double margin issue.

Read more about IE’s margin bug:

Doubled Margin-Causes and Fixes.

7. Using CSS to Fight Spam

This would be something you could include to really spice up your theme description. Alen Grakalic of wrote a fantastic post on how to use css as a kind of CAPTCHA technique. A form is declared like so:

For the id “captcha”, we use a background image via css. This would require the spam scripts to find your html element, scan your css, compare selectors, find the certain selector and background image, and then read that background image. Its pretty safe to say most wont be able to do this. The downside is if someone is not surfing with css enabled, they wont know what to do.

Read more about using css to fight spam:

Fighting spam with CSS

8. PNG in IE 6 Fixes

I’m sure we could all agree dealing with transparent png’s in IE 6 is a real headache. The fixes range from complex Javascript techniques to just using a Microsoft proprietary filter, to using conditional comments to swap them out for a .jpg. Keep in mind, all of these but the conditional comments rely on the Microsoft AlphaImageLoader.

filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(...);

Read more on how to fix IE 6 PNG transparency:

SuperSleight Fix

Twin Helix Fix

Google’s IE 7.js

9. CSS Cross Browser Transparency

Believe it or not, it is pretty simple to get decent cross browser transparency using css. We can cover, IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and old browsers like Netscape Navigator. Chris Coyier recently came to our rescue again demonstrating these techniques.

.yourClass { filter:alpha(opacity=50);/*Needed for IE*/ -moz-opacity:0.5;/*Older mozilla broswers like NN*/ -khtml-opacity: 0.5;/*Old versions of Safari and "KHTML" browser engines*/ opacity: 0.5;/*FF, Safari, and Opera*/ }

This wont validate, but its not really an issue and the ThemeForest staff is pretty understanding when it comes to techniques like this.

Read more about CSS Opacity

CSS Opacity Settings.

CSS Opacity Settings.

10. Use CSS Image Sprites

CSS Image sprites are a fantastic way to load many of your css images at one time, in addition to reducing http requests and the file size of your theme. In addition, you wont have to deal with any images “flickering” on hover. CSS Image sprites are achieved by putting many of your image elements all into one image. We then use css to adjust the background position, width, and height to get the image where we want it.

Resources for image sprites:

A List Apart-CSS Sprites

How to use image sprites

David Walsh on CSS Sprites

11. Use Conditional Comments to support IE 6

Far too often, web developers are forced to introduce new css rules and declarations that only apply to certain versions of IE. If your not familiar with a conditional comment, the code below would only link to a style sheet if the users browser is less than or equal to IE 7:

This code would go in the head section of your html file. If the css does not seem to be taking place in IE after you have linked to your specific style sheet, try getting more specific with your css selections to override default styles.

Read more on conditional comments:

Quirks Mode-Conditional Comments

12. CSS Specificity

As mentioned above, CSS styles follow an order of specificity and point values to determine when styles override one another or take precedence. Nettuts recently had a nice article in which the point values for css were explained. They are like so:

Elements – 1 points

Classes – 10 points

Identifiers – 100 points

Inline Styling – 1000 points

When in doubt, get more specific with your style declarations. You can also use the !important declaration for debugging purposes if needed.

Read more about css specificity:

HTML Dog on Specificity

Smashing Magazine on CSS Specificity

13.Achieving a minimum height in all browsers.

When developing, we often realize we need an element to have at least a certain height, and then stretch to accommodate more content if needed. Unfortunately, IE doest recognize the min-height property correctly. Fortunately, we have what is known as the min-height fast hack, that goes like so:

#yourId { min-height:300px; height:auto !important; height:300px;/*Needs to match the min height pixels above*/ }

Simple, effective, and it validates just fine. This is also one of the few cases when the !important feature comes in great handy.

Read more about the min height hack:

Using the min height fast hack

14. The * HTML hack

If you need or wish to avoid linking to IE specific style sheets, one can use the * html hack. In a perfect world, the HTML element will always be the root element, so any * before html would not apply. Nevertheless, IE treats this as a perfectly legitimate declaration. So if we needed to target a certain element in IE, we could do this:

* html body div#sideBar { display:inline; }

Read more about * html hack:

More on the Star HTML Bug

Explanation of the star HTML bug

15. Sliding Doors Technique

One major problem with using images for navigation buttons, is that you run the risk of the clients text being too long and extending past the button, or being cut off. Using two images and the css sliding doors technique, we can create buttons that will expand to fit the text inside. The idea behind this technique, is using two images for each button, and applying the images via a background declaration in CSS. For example:

HTML Markup: Your Title CSS: a.myButton { background: transparent url('right.png') no-repeat scroll top right; display: block; float: left; height: 32px; /* Image height */ margin-right: 6px; padding-right: 20px;/*Image Width*/ /*Other Styles*/ } a.myButton span { background: transparent url('button_left.png') no-repeat; display: block; line-height: 22px; /* Image Height */ padding: /*Change to how you see fit*/ }

Read more about sliding doors technique:

A List Apart on Sliding Doors

Dynamic Drive-an example of the sliding doors technique

And there you have it, a list of 15 css techniques to help you when developing a theme. CSS is great for designers as it allows us to be creative with code and use our own techniques to accomplish a job.

Interested in SEO???

3.14159265 Things to Consider if You are New to/Interested in SEO
This post is geared towards individuals ranging from those who are completely new to SEO (Search Engine Optimization); to those who are new to SEO but have already been looking into it in some capacity; to those who may be looking to SEO as a method to increase business revenue. If you have no idea what SEO is but you’re reading this post somehow, then start here to get a small idea of just what it is. If it’s something that interests you past that, then come on back over here and have a look!

Okay, so for those of you who are new to SEO but have been researching it in some capacity, you are undoubtedly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information out there and the seemingly innumerable conflicting personalities who appear to rule the interactive SEO landscape (blogs, forums, et al). I recall those confusing days where I would read something that seemed like great information, then read someone’s comment below with a conflicting viewpoint which also seemed like great information. The result was not knowing who I could trust, which tactics actually worked, and even second-guessing if this whole “SEO thing” held any merit whatsoever. In the past, I’ve paid money for the books, instructional packets, educational materials, et al in attempt to learn SEO “the right way,” so I’ve been down just about every route conceivable when it comes to that. My hope is to alleviate many of the uncertainties and woes I experienced for as many of you as I can. With that, I’ll begin by addressing information overload and helping you to avoid it.

Avoid Information Overload by Establishing your Goals

Put simply, information overload is what happens when you consume vast amounts of information over a considerable span of time but are no more productive or positively impacted in light of it all. For example, you know those e-books and offers that purport to teach you everything from how to supposedly make your first $1,000 online to things like learning how a 12 year-old made $40,000 in 4.9 seconds by making Google sneeze (what does that even mean, anyway)? Yeah, that’s not SEO, but there are easily tens of thousands of those types of offers and it’s easy to get distracted by them if you’re new to SEO since SEO is commonly lumped into just about every facet of Internet marketing (thus, easy to run into as you research SEO). To help you prevent or get out of information overload where SEO is concerned, you need toestablish your goals. What does that mean, exactly? Well, ask yourself this one simple question: “Why am I interested in SEO?” Try one of the following answers on for size:

A. I own my own business and I’ve heard SEO may very well help me generate new leads and earn revenue.

B. I want to make money online and I’ve heard SEO is a great way to do it.

C. I own a Web site and thought I should start paying attention to this “SEO” stuff.

D. It’s required for my job.

E. Is it lunch time yet?

Based on your answer above, provided below are my responses for helping you begin to get the most out of your SEO endeavors:

A. You’ve heard correctly. SEO is great way to help you tap into the power of the Internet to generate new leads and conversions! My recommendation for you would be to hire an Internet marketing agency to do it for you, or hire someone to do SEO in-house. Finding a trustworthy candidate is always the conundrum in this industry, but it can be easier than you may think. Try reaching out to businesses around you, businesses online who you trust, or other business owners you know and inquire about who (if anyone) they’ve used for their interactive marketing needs. From there, an agency or well-credentialed candidate will be happy to put you in touch with a current or previous client of theirs to vouch for their work. It’s the best way to override the agencies and consultants who fabricate their clientele credentials.

If you’re a business owner and want the best ROI possible in the shortest span of time, taking on SEO yourself isn’t really your best option. SEO is a very involved, ongoing process and rankings take time to happen, so you can expect a good 6-months to a year to see good results based on solid data (results are typically dependent upon how competitive your industry is online and the types of campaigns you run; i.e. if you focus on the wrong keywords or keywords with very little traffic, you can implement SEO until the cows come home but you will not see desired results). If doing SEO yourself is the only option you’re willing to consider, then refer to the answers for ‘B’ and ‘C’ below to get a feel for what you can expect. I will go into much greater detail in a later post, but the important thing to remember is that results aren’t guaranteed. There is an inherent risk to SEO that just can’t be avoided or ignored if it’s something you choose to invest in monetarily. Anyone who says otherwise may have something to sell you and it’s probably not something you want to chance.

B. There are various methods of making money using SEO as a tool (such as in correlation with niche blogging, where higher rankings are inevitably more lucrative in some capacity), but the only real way to make any substantial amount of money strictly based on the practice of SEO is to take on clients, be it through consulting, freelance, in-house, or agency work. If your head is in the clouds with thinking you’re going to become a millionaire based solely off of SEO, consider the following your reality check:

SEO takes time, focus, dedication, and creativity. It’s a very competitive space and requires talent and skill to rise to the top. You have to genuinely care about helping people succeed. The standard I’ve always held myself to is that the measure of my success is directly proportional to the success of my clients. You should at least have the capacity to adopt the very same mentality.

SEO isn’t rocket science, but to be successful with it, you can plan on learning client relation skills, Google Analytics (or StatCounter or some other traffic-tracking application), how to track rankings, keyword research, competition analysis, how to research the industries of your clients, generating reports, recommending and implementing on-site changes, building links and much more. It’s not a walk-in-the-park where you can expect to start earning money hand-over-fist. If you’re interested in that, the better journey for you may be affiliate marketing(where you will still dabble in SEO, but not make money based solely on the practice of SEO). I will delve into most of what it takes to successfully run a business based on SEO in an upcoming post where I will detail all the little facets I mentioned above and then some.

C. The journey of SEO for someone with a Web site that has no business model or revenue stream is much more lax. A good example ismy Microsoft blog (shameless plug, I know — but it really is a good example). Although I have Google AdSense (a free ad program Google offers where they pay you for clicks and impressions (views) on relevant ads you place on your site) integrated into it, the prime reason for the blog is solely base on hobby and passion. Since most of my traffic for that blog is referral- and direct-based (referral-based means the traffic comes from a source other than search engines, like from a Web site, Twitter, an email, etc. and direct-based means someone comes to my site either manually by typing it into the address bar in their browser or by a bookmarked favorite they have to my site), I don’t put too much effort at all into SEO for it.

If your site is a hobby, then your attitude with regards to SEO can be casual. If you’re looking to be popular, all you really need to do is focus on generating solid, unique content that people enjoy. Arguably the quickest way to the top of the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages) is by gaining popularity through others linking to you. Search engines like to see links to you; they’re like votes for your site. I will be providing plenty of resources for you below to start learning good SEO, but what you decide to put into practice (and when) is solely up to you.

D. There are too many variables for me to consider here in writing, but regardless of exactly why SEO is needed for your job, stay tuned for the next section as I will be providing all the resources you need to get up-to-speed on SEO. I would be happy to answer a particular question you may have in the mean time if you have one!

E. Mmm, cupcakes for dessert…

The Fast Track to a Solid SEO Foundation

Since the aforementioned section grew much larger than I initially intended, I will keep this section short and sweet. Everything to follow is self-explanatory:

Guides: The following two guides alone easily tackle just about every facet of SEO that you would ever really put into practice. Google’s SEO guide is relatively concise while SEOmoz’s guide is very, very thorough and extensive. Remember what I said about information overload? Just*trust me* when I say to stick to these two guides first before digging deeper. You will experience a TON of interference from people claiming everything from “some of this is outdated information” to “this guide is much more comprehensive.” While that may be the case, I’m attempting to make establishing a solid foundation with SEO as straight-forward (and free) as possible for you.

1 - Google’s Starter Guide to Search Engine Optimization

2 - SEOmoz’s Beginner’s Guide to Search Engine Optimization

Sites and Blogs: While you’re building a solid foundation of SEO based on the information provided above, you will undoubtedly have questions and desire to participate on SEO-related sites. While there are a ton of credible resources out there and I always encourage your participation and inquisition here, I’m going to hold firm to the prevention of information overload and provide you with a select few that you can actively participate on.

1 - SEO Whistleblower (Of course!)

2 - SEOmoz Blog

3 - SEOBook

4 - Search Engine Watch (This blog is more in relation to search engine news in general, but you can’t care fully about SEO if you don’t care in part about the first two-thirds of the acronym!)

As I said, there are a ridiculous number of sources and communities to get involved with, but I’m just trying to provide a fast track to an initial foundation. Trust me when I say that SEO never runs out of new ideas or new resources for you to discover. In a later post, I will detail a whole plethora of resources for you, but the goal right now is to prevent information overload.

Video: I want to provide you with the YouTube channels of two stellar SEO personalities. The first is Matt Cutts from Google. He shows you how to play it safe where Google is concerned with SEO. The second is Wil Reynolds. Wil is one of my favorite SEOs around. Wil’s passion for — and creativity with — SEO are self-evident to the point of true inspiration. If you don’t get excited or drawn in while watching Wil, then SEO may not be for you!

1 - Google Webmaster Help with Matt Cutts

2 - Wil Reynolds from Seer Interactive

Consequences of Shady SEO: What to Avoid

If you’re new to SEO to the extent that the information provided above is useful, you don’t really need to concern yourself with consequences for the moment. Many of them will be addressed throughout the guides I provided and in Matt Cutts’ YouTube videos. Just be aware that when you veer from the path of white hat SEO (there are white hat (good) and black hat (bad) methods of SEO) and ethical decisions, you could be putting your site at risk for getting blacklisted. The worst punishment you can receive, being banned/blacklisted from a search engine is when your site will not show up for *anything*. A good rule of thumb to avoid penalties or banishment is to not implement anything that claims to to be black hat or claims to shortcut, circumnavigate, or cheat Google’s ranking system. People do find methods of doing such things and even the whitest of white hat SEOs have tried a thing or two (which you probably will at some point, too), but *never* try experimentation with a client or a site that truly matters to you or anyone you may be doing SEO for. Curiosity and creativity are part of the game, so just be aware that if you even so much as walk the fine line between white hat and black hat, make sure it’s not at the expense of your client(s). I will clarify many black hat practices in an upcoming post soon, so for the moment, just be aware that should you err, make sure it’s on the side of caution.


I hope you have found this post to be helpful and informative. As you can see, what I had intended to be a fairly concise article ended up turning into a massive post! While I covered a few bases, I intentionally didn’t account for or clarify every single variable with SEO. Feel free to contribute your questions or thoughts below and I will be happy to respond as necessary. In the coming weeks, I will be stepping into more advanced SEO concepts, tips, tricks, and more, so take your time going through the content and links I’ve provided while keeping abreast of what I post here as well.

Again, please, please, please do not hesitate to ask questions if you have them. SEO is a very confusing and convoluted topic when you first get into it, so don’t feel like a question you may have is too simple or “stupid.” I’m here to help however I can, so fire away.

Oh, and if you’re wondering what in the world 3.14159265 in the post title has to do with the price of tea in China, well; 3.14159265 is Pi (extended out to a random decimal place) and I merely placed it there to poke fun at the easy-to-digest post titles that fill the Internet today; e.g. “12 Insane Ways to Count to One!” or “7 Unbelievable Things You Have to Believe to See not to Believe yet STILL Believe! UNBELIEVABLE!” Maybe I’m the only one who finds this amusing. It wouldn’t be the first time. =)

5 Tips for Running A Business Twitter Account

It’s no secret that Twitter can be used as a great marketing tool. Every major business, whether tech related or not, probably has a Twitter account. It has become as mainstream and essential as having a website. But as with anything, there’s a good way and a bad way to use it. Little mistakes on Twitter are a very fast way to alienate your consumer base.
This is a list of basic Dos and Don’ts to consider when using Twitter for business. The key to most of these tips is finding the right balance and of course, keeping a professional air, while you’re at it.
Getting Started
It may seem like its straightforward, but the first thing you should be sure to do is add a profile picture, biography, a relevant background, and a link to your website before publicising your Twitter account.
When you create your Twitter account, don’t follow hundreds of people to attempt to get followers. If your content is good, you’ll get noticed and people will follow you. If you’re following hundreds of people, versus having only a few followers, you’re more likely to be mistaken for a spammer. Either that, or they’ll take it as a sign of desperation to get more followers.

Don’t Be a Bot
Don’t flood your followers. Space out your tweets, just like you would your blog posts, so that they don’t quickly get bored with your tweets. If you’re streaming your blog posts into your Twitter account, and use a service like Twitterfeed, make sure you have it set to post in realtime rather than in bulk. Several tweets blasted out consecutively are more likely to be ignored.
Auto-anything doesn’t go down well on Twitter. Don’t auto-DM when you get new followers. People don’t expect you to thank them for following, so don’t do it.
Behind the Scenes
Use Twitter to keep your customers aware of upcoming maintenance on your site, especially if you run a community site. Don’t wait for them to ask you what’s going on.

Acknowledge your Consumer
Retweeting positive mentions of your service or company is often appreciated, as is replying to all tweets addressed to your account in a timely manner. But like with any other tweet, space them out. Don’t fill your latest tweets with retweets alone.

Having a Twitter account opens your company up to dealing with customer service issues in a public forum. Make sure you have the time to handle any inquiries or complaints that are addressed to your account. It’s also preferable to take the discussion into a more private space like email or online chat.

Be personal and engaging. Don’t make people feel like your Twitter account is a bot. The more they feel like there’s a real person behind the account, the more interactive they are likely to be. Don’t turn your Twitter account into a stream for your blog posts. People can subscribe to your blog posts if that’s what they want.

Share interesting industry news about your field. Showing that you’re interested in more than just your own company will make people more likely to follow you because there getting more than they can get from your website. Twitter offers a unique medium of interaction with your consumer base so take full advantage of it.

And if you are running a Twitter-related service, don’t force people to auto-follow your account, and definitely don’t force them to tweet about it without their consent during the authentication process. That is the fastest way to get unfollowed and to stop people from using your service. Give them the choice. If they want to follow you, or tweet about your service, they will.
Do you have any tips or tricks for starting your own Twitter business account? Let us know in the comments

Top 10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Website

1. Your Business is Open to the World 24/7, 365 Days a Year
Unlike your company's office that may be open from 8-5, Monday thru Friday, your company 's website is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. There are many different time zones that may affect your business, which is why being on the web makes it time convenient for everyone.

2. It's Your Online Brochure / Catalog That Can Be Changed at Anytime
A website is easier, cheaper and quicker to update than print material. Its' capacities are almost limitless which allow you to provide users with more comprehensive information. This will save you money on printing and distribution costs as well.

3. Reach New Markets with a Global Audience
On the Internet, you aren't that local little business anymore. You have the potential to be seen by millions across the globe. Did you ever think your company would have the possibility of doing business around the world? Well, now you can. Without a doubt, the Internet is the most cost effective way to trade nationally and internationally.

4. Improved Customer Service
By providing answers to questions on your website, sales and information requests can be processed automatically and immediately, whether someone is in the office or not. Online forms can be used to allow customers to request quotations or ask further information. Save costs by allowing users to download invoices, proposals and important documents.

5. Present a Professional Image
For a small business, a well-designed web site is a great way of instilling confidence and looking bigger than you actually are. In this day in age, customers assume that you already have a website. By now, your primary competitors probably already have a presence on the Internet. If they do, keep up with them and find ways to make yours better.

6. Sell Your Products
Why pay expensive rent, overhead, electric bills, and all the other costs that go along with owning a bricks-n-mortar business? Selling in cyberspace is much cheaper and a good way to supplement your offline business. Providing secure online ordering is very affordable for even the smallest businesses.

7. Promote Your Services
Lawyers, doctors, financial consultants, entertainers, realtors and all service oriented businesses should let customers know that they have a choice. Millions of users are referring to the web and are using company's websites to make major decisions when they need a specialized service.

8. Gather Information and Generate Valuable Leads
You can gather information about your customers and potential customers by using forms and surveys. Rather than going out and getting leads, let them come to you. This is a great tool for prospecting targeted customers looking to use your products and services.

9. Provides Instant Gratification
People are busy and don't like to wait for information. Give them what they want, when they want it. If your product is suitable, offer them free samples or trials to download. This includes pictures, brochures, software, videos, Power Point slides, music and more.

10. Great Recruiting Tool
Whether you are looking for talent or posting job opportunities with your company, your website is a great recruiting tool for building your business.

The Do's & Don'ts For Website Success!

Do invest in a secure online ordering system.

Do keep your audience in mind and create copy that personally speaks to them.

Do create a clear and compelling sales message.

Do update your site content and keep it fresh and current.

Do anticipate and answer your visitor's questions.

Do check your site to ensure all forms and links are working.

Do include a call to action on each page. You won't get business if you don't ask for it.

Do include your contact information.

Do offer links to programs like Acrobat Reader needed to view your site information.

Do choose a Web host that provides exceptional service, minimal down time, and consistent site backups.

Do carefully check your content for spelling and grammar mistakes. Errors are unprofessional and show a lack of attention to detail.

Do title each page to be search engine (and bookmark) friendly.

Do use a URL and domain name that accurately reflects your business or company name and is easy to remember.


Don't confuse your visitor with too many topics on one page. Organize information logically.

Don't let your site become outdated. Your credibility will disappear if you offer Mother 's Day specials just in time for Father's Day.

Don't include too many colors, fonts, or font sizes that distracts your visitor.

Don't yell at your visitor by using all capital letters.

Don't take your customer's privacy for granted. Create a privacy policy and stick to it.

Don't insult your customer by selling his information to third parties.

Don't ignore or delay customer requests. Return all customer inquiries promptly because you never know whom they may recommend you to even if they don't buy from you.

Don't add a “visitor count” to your site. No need to brag how many or show how few visit.

Don't include graphics that fail to add importance to your site.

Don't use silly clip art unless absolutely necessary.

Don't add unnecessary "extras" that will take a particularly long time to load.

Don't ignore customer complaints, just because you're on the Web doesn't mean your business won't be affected by dissatisfied customers sharing their experience with others.

Bulk SMS Solution to One of Prime Educational Institutes in Mumbai

Today, there are numerous ways to communicate effectively, and one of the most fool proof and direct to consumer technologies in market is SMS. As the name suggests, Short Message Services (SMS) is becoming more demanded as people prefer to receive discrete, precise and timely communication. It has its own set of advantages, firstly, dependencies on computers for information is eliminated, even it is less time consuming and very cost effective.

Nowadays, we daily receive umpteenth number of promotional SMS's from our network service providers, as well as from other promotional services or finally from applications where we have registered for information. These SMS's typically includes:

Bulk SMS Offering
[Rethinking Web]
Alerts to stake holders/employees about critical situations
Broadcast important information to customers or suppliers, thereby ensuring that the right person receives the right information timely.
Greetings can be sent over SMS to employees/customers.
SMS's can also be sent at the time when the intended participant is traveling or out of station.

Henceforth, post understanding the requirements of the client, we have offered Career Coaching Classes (Khopoli, Mumbai) a Bulk SMS offering which would assist the academic institute by:
Sending regular text messages from Computer to student mobile phones at just one click.
Upload all student records in bulk
Instant communication of results, exam/registration schedule, time table, events etc
Edge in competition scenario.
Efficiency will increase
Cost effective mode of communication
The classes will get their own personalized keyword service.
They can send advertisement with each SMS
Hence, to conclude it is wisely said, 'It is better to face the change than to change the face.' In today's competitive market, to keep the pace up with other competitors we need to indulge in the latest technology for engaging our customers with ourselves. SMS is one of those technologies.

Creating Valid HTML Documents Means Cleaner Code and Easier Maintenance

Learning to validate your HTML is an important step for most designers. By writing valid HTML you ensure that your pages are standards compliant and will run on the most user agents and web browsers.

Building web pages isn't hard. With the software that is available now, you can write your web page and have it up and viewable in half an hour or less. And with these tools, why would you need to run an HTML validator on your HTML to find errors? Well, you don't have to, but if you want your pages to stay viewable through future versions of HTML, or you want newer browsers to be able to display it correctly, then writing valid HTML is the place to start.

There are several specific reasons for writing valid HTML, and using an HTML validator to insure that what you write is valid:

Compatibility with future versions of HTML and web browsers
As browsers evolve, they come closer and closer to supporting the standard HTML as written by the W3C. Even if they don't fully support the most recent version of HTML, the browser builders go in and make sure that they are compliant with older versions of the standard. If you are writing non-standard HTML, there is a chance that as browsers evolve, they will no longer support your web pages. A good example of this is a trick that some web developers used with an older version of Netscape. If you included multiple body tags with different colors, Netscape would load them all in succession creating a fade-in or flicker effect as the page loaded. This trick no longer works, as it relied on an incompatibility of the browser.
Accessible to Your Current Audience
Unless you know for a fact that your entire audience is using a specific browser, you are setting your site up to annoy some of your readers if you make it inaccessible to them through invalid or non-standard HTML. Many HTML validators will check your HTML for browser specific entities and alert you to their use. Browser specific HTML can be part of the standard or not a part of the standard. Don't assume that just because only one browser supports something it's non-standard. Or if multiple browsers support it, that it is part of a standard. For instance, HTML 5 is supported by Safari, Opera, Chrome, and Firefox, but it is not yet a recognized standard.
Reduce Unexplained Errors
I am often asked to look at web pages for people to tell them why the code is doing something strange. I can usually come back in just a few minutes and tell them what is wrong. Why? It's not because I know HTML inside and out, it's because I run their page through an HTML validator. This usually points out a problem with the HTML, that, when fixed, solves their problem as well.
HTML Validators
There are a lot of validators available. You can get ones that are run on your computer, embedded into your HTML editor, or online on your live web pages.

Shivgun Design ad agnecy mumbai = About Us

We are a web designing organization that strives constantly in order to enrich user interface experience through web 2.0/3.0 technologies, while keeping in mind the objectives of our clients and develop an impeccable presence on the web.
Products and Services ::
1. Custom Website Designing - We design dynamic style websites that combines the client’s aims and objectives with user interface structures dynamically controlled.
2. Content Management System (CMS) - We also provide CMS installation, configuration and updation. We help you to migrate your website from static HTML to dynamic CMS interface.
3. Print Media - Brochure, Visiting cards, flyers, pamphlets, Flex Banners ... you name it we do it.
4. Hosting Facility - We offer exclusive web hosting facilities at affordable rates. The hosting is secure and easy to use.
5. Customer Training and Support - By training our clients we offer them flexibility and complete independence. The website becomes more and more interactive and active by new articles and modules added daily. With our 24x7 support we never let any query go unnoticed.

30 Golden SEO tips

Welcome to the web's top SEO tips - the best and most comprehensive SEO guide on the internet for increasing your web site's traffic.

SEO consists of two fundamental eleme

nts: producing search-engine-friendly content and obtaining high-quality inbound links. There is a third element that you should take seriously: staying on the right side of Google and avoiding Google penalties at all costs, since Google is the foremost search engine and getting banned is pretty much a death sentence for a web site, especially if it is a young web site without an established following. If you follow the SEO tips in this article your web site will attract a lot of traffic from the search engines and will grow exponentially.

A. Producing search engine-optimised content
1. Produce excellent copy
Your content should be written extremely well; great copy writing is the heart and soul of SEO. Firstly, excellent writing is better for your users and is more likely to attract inbound links. Secondly, Google has ways, some of them very subtle, of determining just how good and useful a piece of writing is (see latent semantic indexing). Write with your users in mind, with a view to giving them the best and most useful experience possible. With regard to Google's subtle ways of assessing the quality of a piece of writing, you should avoid using the same keywords again and again, even if it feels natural to do so. Instead, you should use of a variety of synonyms for every keyword. This makes your writing more readable and interesting, and also persuades Google that your content is not run-of-the-mill spam, but authoritative and useful.

2. Content is king
The only thing Google respects is high-quality text with some links pointing to it. Google considers web sites that constantly add content much more useful than web sites that add content infrequently. For this reason you should set yourself a realistic target for the production of new content and stick to it. Depending on how ambitious you are, you can aim for one new page of content per day or per week. Whatever you choose, remember that Google likes fresh content. It has an intrinsic preference for web sites that focus on creating new content over web sites that keep tweaking their existing content again and again. In other words, Google wants to see that you are working on producing new content, not on optimizing content that you already have on your web site. The ideal word count for each page is between 500 and 1500 words.

3. Use the Google sandbox
The Google sandbox is an incredibly useful tool that suggests keywords and key phrases on the basis of what people have been searching recently. For example, you might type "SEO consultant" and the Google sandbox will tell you that, in addition to searching for "SEO consultant," other frequent searches are "SEO expert" and "SEO services." Using the Google sandbox will give you an inexhaustible supply of ideas for the creation of fresh content. Put simply, you use Google's sandbox to find out what people are searching for, and you then write content that targets those keywords. The aim is, of course, to rank highly in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for those queries.

4. Use the h1 tag
The h1 tag is one of the great secrets of SEO. The h1 tag tells search engines that this is the main title of the page ("heading #1"). The h1 tag is an incredibly powerful tool and Google takes it seriously, providing it is substantiated by the page's content. In other words, the words in the h1 title tag should also appear in the main text. Using the h1 tag is an excellent way to optimize a page for specific keywords.

Here is how you use the h1 tag:

Your keywords
The h1 tag will make the text quite large; you can have the benefit of the h1 tag without such enormous text by using CSS to format it as desired.

You should also use the h2 and h3 tags for your sub-headings, making the content of your page hierarchical.

5. Keyword density
The keywords you are targeting should appear in the main body of your text reasonably frequently, but don't overdo it: a page that is stuffed with keywords destroys the credibility of your web site and is easily identified by Google as spam. Putting your keywords at the beginning of the page, in most of the paragraphs, and somewhere near the end will be quite sufficient. Do not forget the importance of using synonyms too, as mentioned above. If you want to check the keyword density for a page, you can use this keyword density tool.

6. Use bold, italics and underlining on keywords
When you bold, italicize or underline a word, Google assumes that this is one of your keywords. You should therefore bold, italicize or underline some of the keywords on your page.

Be very careful, because this can also work against you: if you use bold, italics or underlining on words that are not keywords, you will confuse Google and will weaken the effect of these tags on your real keywords.

7. Keywords in the URL
Deciding the URL of a page is an important part of SEO. The page should have a file name that contains your keywords, and the page should be in a directory that also has keywords in its name. For both the directory and the page itself, the keywords should be separated by dashes.

You should follow a sensible rationale when deciding what to call directories and files; it should reflect the hierarchical nature of your web site. For example, if you are writing a page about obtaining inbound links, a good URL for it would be:

This is a good URL for these reasons:

a) "SEO tips" and "how to obtain inbound links" are related queries and Google knows it;

b) "how to obtain inbound links" is a subset of "SEO tips." Google will give you extra respect for using hierarchical URLs. Don't forget that Google was developed by two clever mathematicians!

Depending on exactly what pages you plan to create for your web site, there are several ways of naming a URL. For example, with regard to the example above, if you're going to write many different articles on the topic of "links," you could name your URLs as follows:

and so on. (In this example "how to obtain inbound links" is a sub-category of "links," and "links" is in turn a sub-category of "SEO." Furthermore, all three sets are related to each other: they are all about SEO.)

8. Use a high content-to-code ratio
Search engines will give your page a higher ranking if it has a lot of text relative to the amount of code. You should aim for a high signal-to-noise ratio on your page, which means that there should be more content than code. Open any page on the Internet, right click on it and select "view source" (or its equivalent). If there is a lot more code than text, search engines are not going to love it.

If you are serious about SEO you will produce pages with good, clean HTML and will avoid anything that requires a lot of code. A small amount of HTML code and a lot of quality text is what search engines (and users) really love.

9. Split substantial articles into several pages
If you write an article about a big topic, it is inevitable that the article will in fact deal with a number of sub-topics. In these cases you should split the article into several pages: one page for each subtopic. This has the following advantages:

a) you will be able to have highly focused search-engine optimization that targets each specific page, instead of trying to optimize one enormous page for keywords that are relevant to only 10% of it. Remember that Google decides what content is about on a page-by-page basis: this means that every page should focus on one topic - only one;

b) users prefer to read articles that are split over several pages rather than articles that have the "toilet roll" format. The links that take you from one page to the next should have the target page's title as the anchor text (more about this later).

The page you are reading is an exception; pages with a list of tips generally work better as a single page, even if very long.

10. Avoid frames like the plague
From the point of view of SEO, frames must rank amongst the most disastrous thing you can do. Users hate them, and search engines hate them even more. Put simply, search engines are not able to index web sites that use frames; the most they can do is index your homepage. For all intents and purposes you will simply not be present in search engine indexes if your web site uses frames. The brilliant Jakob Nielsen has more to say about why frames suck.

11. Avoid Flash like the plague
After frames, Flash is the biggest enemy of SEO and usability. Search engines are not able to read Flash files. Therefore any text displayed on the Flash page will not be read by the search engines and will not give you any SEO benefit. As importantly, Flash is an enormous barrier between your web site and its users. I have always found Flash-based web sites extremely frustrating and very often leave before the homepage has even finished loading. In the rare occasions in which I waited for the home page to load, the web site invariably turned out not to be worth the wait. Truly useful web sites have indexable content, preferably in the HTML format. Good, clean, minimalist HTML code is the true friend of SEO. Do not use Flash if you are serious about SEO and getting real traffic from the search engines.

UPDATE: Google has greatly improved its ability to index Flash. It can now read textual content in any SWF file. The words that appear in these Flash files will be taken into account when the algorithm decides how to rank your page for a given query. Of course, text that is displayed graphically - as in a JPEG file, for example - will not be read by Google. It never has been, and will continue not to be.

I still hate Flash, and advise EVERYONE against using it, but if you really must, at least now you can be confident that its text data will be spidered and indexed by Google.

12. Interlink your pages
Every page on your web site should have at least a couple of contextual links that point to other pages on your web site. These links should follow naturally from the content of your page. For example, if your page mentions an SEO consultant, you can use those words to link to a page that is relevant to them. That's a contextual link.

This will ensure that Google PageRank will be shared among your pages, and is an additional way of telling Google what your pages are about.

13. Put high-quality outbound links on every page
Every page of the content on your web site should also have at least one contextual link that points to a high-quality external web site. It has been shown experimentally that Google gives a higher ranking to pages that link to a high-quality external web sites. In other words, other things being equal, a page with good outbound links will be placed higher in the search engine results pages than a page with no outbound links.

Deciding who to link to is relatively simple. Choose a word or group of words in your text and do a search on Google. Look at the top 3 or 4 web sites and choose one that does not compete with you. Go back to your page and make those keywords the anchor text for an outbound link that points to that high-ranking external web site. Google will love you for linking to a web site that it deems to be of a high quality, especially if the link's anchor text has words for which that web site ranks very high on Google. Doing this on every page in your web site will have the following major advantages:

a) as mentioned above, Google will give you a higher placing in its results pages;

b) it shows your users that you are in good faith and not a sleazy spammer. Remember that the traffic you get from the higher Google ranking will massively outweigh the traffic you will lose through the outbound links, and in any case people will only leave your web site if they have not found what they are looking for, in which case they would have left anyway. Outbound links will have the net effect of increasing your web site traffic.

14. Produce an HTML sitemap
By "sitemap" I do not mean those special files that tell search engines about the structure and your web site, although that kind of sitemap is a good idea too. In this instance I am referring to an HTML page that contains links to every single page on your web site, just like a directory. There are two reasons that make such a page essential:

a) f or the purposes of SEO, no page should be more than two clicks away from your homepage. Search engines do not like pages that need a lot of clicks to be found. Furthermore, it makes every page on your web site receive some of the Google PageRank of your homepage (the homepage will inevitably have a higher PageRank than any other page on the web site);

b) it is extremely useful for users to be able to access any page on your web site from a single page of links. In this way they can access a page very quickly, even if it is the last page of multi-page article.

15. Put the menu on the right
To make your web site even more search engine- friendly, consider putting the menu on the right, as with this web site. This will ensure that the first thing Google sees after the section is your content. This is because search engines read pages from top to bottom and from left to right. Putting the menu on the right-hand side ensures that search engines will come to it after your main content. This is related to having a high signal-to-noise ratio.

16. The TITLE! tag
This is vital because, like the h1 tag, it tells search engines what you claim your page to be about. The title tag should have the same contents as the h1 tag. The title tag for this page is:

17. Produce META tags with great care
There are three META tags of interest in SEO: ROBOTS, content and KEYWORDS. The first two are vital; the third no longer plays a big role.

The robots tag should be as follows:

The contents tag should be identical or similar to the title tag - it has been found that Google loves this. The content tag for this page is as follows:

In the dark ages of the pre-Google anarchy the keywords meta-tag was taken very seriously by the primordial search engines. Accordingly, the SERPs were dominated by spam web sites that stuffed their meta-tags with keywords. Nowadays the keyword tag is almost irrelevant. By all means include it, but make absolutely sure that no keyword appears in the tag more than once. Do not put more than 20 words in the meta-tag. The keywords meta tag for this page is as follows:

18. Remember that search engines cannot read pictures
The essence of SEO is putting high-quality content on a page, and making sure that search engines can fully read and understand the content. This means that the heart of SEO is quality text. Any text that is displayed as a JPEG file or other graphics cannot be read by the search engines. Look at the source code of a web page: that's what search engine can see. If you can't read it in the source code, search engines will not be able to read it either, and you will therefore get no search-engine credit for it. I have seen entire articles displayed as a JPEG file. The author is probably despairing over why Google won't show it in its search results at all.

Therefore, do not use graphics to display content. This does not mean that you should not use pictures; when used appropriately, pictures enhance your users' experience and make your content more useful.

You can tell search engines what a picture is about by using the ALT tag. Make sure that the description in the ALT tag faithfully describes the content of the picture; stuffing the ALT tag with keywords that are not relevant to the picture is considered spam.

19. Make sure you have "index, follow" in the ROBOTS tag
Every single page on your web site should have this tag. It tells search engine spiders to index the page, and it also tells them to follow all links to their respective target pages. This is useful in making sure that all the pages on your web site are indexed.

Spiders are programs that search engines use to analyze pages on the Internet; they go from page to page, following links and reading every page, making decisions on their quality and keeping a copy in order to show them on the search results pages for relevant queries. SEO is essentially about convincing these automated programs that a given page deserves to rank highly for a specific search query.

20. When you produce a new page of content, link to it from the homepage
Once your homepage has a few quality inbound links, Google will regularly spider your homepage. Therefore, a good way to make sure that Google spiders and indexes a new page as soon as possible is to link to it from the homepage. Search engines will follow the link and index the target page within a few days.

21. Use a unique IP address for your web site
It is very important that your web site be associated with a single, unequivocal IP address. There are two reasons for this:

a) If you use a shared IP address and another web site with that IP address gets a Google penalty, your web site will also suffer;

b) Google will take your web site a lot more seriously if it has a unique IP address.

Having a unique IP address for your web site will cost you a few extra dollars a month but it is undoubtedly worth it.

22. Use a quality web host
You cannot develop a successful web site without using a reputable, high-quality web host. You should also make sure that you have a top-notch traffic statistics program that will display detailed data regarding your traffic and search engine referrals.

B. Links
23. Get inbound links
Inbound links are the kingpin of the Google algorithm. Google revolutionized online search by introducing a simple but very effective answer to a complicated question: "If a user performs a search for widgets, and there are one million web pages about widgets, how do we decide the order in which these web pages should be presented in the search results? In other words, how do we rank them?"

The answer provided by Larry Page and Sergey Brin was simple: pages that have more links pointing to them are more likely to be useful than pages with fewer links pointing to them. Google considers inbound links as votes in favor of a particular web page.

It is therefore absolutely imperative to obtain inbound links that point to your web site and to content pages within your web site. The links that are most beneficial are one-way inbound links: links that point to your web site without your web site linking back. Google considers these the most genuine endorsements and therefore the most reliable indicator of a page's objective usefulness. Buying links is a great way to obtain high-quality links quickly. Text Link Ads is the most reputable link broker and offers a whopping to new advertisers.

How much weight Google will give to a link depends on the page's PageRank and on whether the link's target page is related to the content on the linking page. In other words, a link pointing to a page about SEO is worth more if is in a page about SEO; if the link is on a page about cars, it will be less beneficial.

24. Link anchor text is important
The anchor text of links is extremely important, because it answers Google's all-important question: what do users think this page is about? The more relevant the inbound link's anchor text is to the target page, the more the page will benefit.The most beneficial links for SEO purposes are one-way inbound links with relevant anchor text. If you manage to get a one-way inbound link with a anchor text that contains the words in the target page's h1 tag, to Google this is an independent third party confirming the topic and usefulness of your page, and your ranking will go through the roof. Such links are worth pursuing.

This is not to say that other links are useless. Getting inbound links from pages with a high PageRank, even if the links are reciprocated, will still be beneficial. Links with "click here" as the anchor text should be avoided as they do not tell Google what the linker thinks the target page is about.

Probably the only way to start out with links is to start e-mailing webmasters, once you have produced some quality content, and ask to trade links. Most will decline, but some will say yes, and this will get you started. Remember that no decent web site will link to you unless it has free useful content. Part of the point of writing excellent content is to obtain natural, unsolicited one-way inbound links. For this reason, such content is sometimes referred to as link bait.

25. Use advertising to generate some traffic
A web site's traffic should grow exponentially once a certain critical level of traffic is reached, because the more people visit your web site, the more incoming links you will get, the higher your ranking will be, which in turn will bring in more traffic - assuming, of course, that your web site offers value to its visitors. Posting a coolvideo is an excellent way to gain exposure. If you follow the SEO tips in this article your web site will get good search engine traffic from the get-go.

Precisely because traffic breeds more traffic, you might want to consider spending a small amount of money on advertising at the beginning. Although advertising does not have a search engine benefit, the extra visitors it brings might link to your useful content, which will have an SEO benefit. Google'sAdsense is a cool program for this sort of thing.

26. Post in forums
An excellent way of getting one-way inbound links is to post in forums and place contextual links pointing to pages on your web site, in addition to a link to your homepage in your signature. Of course this is only acceptable (and beneficial) if the forum's topic is the same as your web site's.

Make sure all such links have anchor text that is a highly focused on the target page's content. Not all forums make this possible, but I have seen several that publish posts as HTML pages and that allow links. The most beneficial forums are those that allow you to post a link without the rel=nofollow tag. Of course, make sure that you write quality posts that add value to the forum, or your posts will be considered spam. Also, the outbound links will be worth more if they are embedded within a good chunk of quality text.

27. Use press releases to obtain backlinks
A great way to obtain one-way inbound links is to broadcast a press releasethrough an online service. By all accounts PRWeb is the best facility for this sort of thing. Make sure that your press release is well-written and interesting, and of course make sure that it has a link to your web site.

28. Do not link to bad web sites
If you link to a web site that Google has penalized or that for some other reason Google considers to be a bad web site, your web site will be penalized. Google will not penalize you if a bad web site links to you, but it will penalize you if you link to a bad web site. For this reason you should only link to the best web sites, and you should check those links frequently to ensure that the web site does not have a new, spammy owner (it can happen).

You should avoid so-called bad neighborhoods. Bad neighborhoods are clusters of interlinked web sites that are suffering a Google penalty (maybe without even realizing it). If you link to a web site which in turn links to a penalized web site, you are part of a bad neighborhood. Avoid this like the plague.

29. Produce link bait
One-way inbound links are essential to SEO. The only reason anyone will ever link to you is if you have something useful or interesting on your web site. I have already stressed the importance of writing great content. Other examples of link bait include:

* free resources, such as my free SEO tools;

* offering a free e-book for download (make it a PDF file with at least one link to your web site).

30. Staying on the right side of Google
The third vital element in search engine optimization is avoiding anything that is even remotely spammy or unethical. You should follow Google's Webmaster Guidelines scrupulously. If you do any of the things banned by the Google Webmaster Guidelines, sooner or later Google will find out and penalize your web site. The following tricks are expressly prohibited by Google:

* Cloaking: this means displaying a different version of your web site depending on the IP address of those accessing it

* Redirecting your homepage to another page

* Using text that is the same color as the background

* Hidden links

* Registering many domains and interlinking them all

The Google algorithm has become very sophisticated and if you breach any of the Google Webmaster Guidelines sooner or later your infractions will be detected and you will be subjected to a penalty. An irritated user might also file aGoogle spam report.

--> SEO really works. If you write high-quality content that is search-engine-friendly and get some quality inbound links, Google will give you a goop placing in its search results pages and your web site's traffic will increase exponentially. It's incredibly satisfying to see a page you created on the first page of search engine results! With some hard work, it will allow you to build a useful web site that gets a lot of referrals from the search engines. Good luck!